General Fund (unrestricted): An unrestricted gift to the General Fund allows the temple to use those funds wherever they may be needed most. This fund incorporates contributions received from our High Holy Day Appeal, Yahrzeit donations, Bricklets, Adopt-A-Book, Tree of Life (unless otherwise indicated) and other non-restricted gifts.
Building Reserve: A fund to ensure the continuing physical growth of our spiritual home. Intended for capital improvements and major building repairs.
Endowment Fund: Gifts to this fund are placed in an investment account and temporarily restricted or can be defined/restricted by the donor. This fund ensures the future of our temple.
Religious School Scholarship Fund: These funds will be made available to Religious School students who are in need of tuition assistance, as determined confidentially by the Treasurer.
Rabbi’s Discretionary Fund: a fund for assistance to families in need, scholarship assistance, interfaith council, Holocaust museum and other endeavors at the Rabbi’s discretion.
Youth Group Fund: a fund that supports the activities and development of our post B’nei Mitzvah youth group BESTY. These contributions help support BESTY programs that keeps this age-group engaged in the growth of their Jewish identity and sense of Jewish community.