Upcoming Events

  1. 18 Jul

    Thursdays with the Rabbi

    6:00 pm - 7:00 pm

    Next dates: 25 Jul | 01 Aug | 08 Aug |
  2. 19 Jul

    Erev Shabbat Service

    7:00 pm - 8:00 pm

    Next dates: 26 Jul | 02 Aug | 09 Aug |
  3. 21 Jul

    Food Distribution

    1:00 pm - 3:00 pm

    Next dates: 18 Aug | 15 Sep | 20 Oct |

Welcome Rabbi Robert Lefkowitz

Since Rabbi Lefkowitz has arrived at Congregation Beth Shalom of Brandon, he has worked to bring a sense of spirituality, compassion and learning into the lives of our community.

He loves finding a connection with people of every age and strives to carry forward the CBS tradition of welcoming all who enter into our sanctuary.

He has developed positive relationships. He has organized Torah classes and encourages open discussion.

His interests include a thirst for knowledge and spending time with his congregation.

Rabbi Lefkowitz has brought peace, tranquility, and stability to the CBS

He maintains a loving, caring, supportive comradery at CBS.

Rabbi Lefkowitz has successfully increased synagogue attendance and hopes to continue to build strong and lasting relationships.

He is proud to serve as Rabbi at CBS. He is deeply committed to Tikkum Olam, repairing the world. He believes that it is our responsibility to be active partners with God, making the world a more livable place for all

CBS will continue to thrive under his spiritual guidance warmth and leadership

Welcome to Congregation Beth Shalom!

Shalom! Congregation Beth Shalom is a vibrant, warm, and growing Reform synagogue. As the only Reform synagogue in the Greater Brandon area, we provide a home for Jews and interfaith families of all ages and backgrounds. We have a friendly diverse population. As a small congregation, we value the contribution and participation of each individual member.

High Holidays

Life Long Learning

At Beth Shalom we believe learning and participating in study are key to a full Jewish life.  We have a dynamic Life Long Learning Committee that organizes a variety of study and learning opportunities for all interests!

The Kibbitzer

The Kibbitzer is our monthly newsletter packed with information about Beth Shalom and all the activities we have for that particular month.

Click here to read the most recent issue.

Shabbat Services

  Shabbat is the highlight of the Jewish week, an opportunity to connect with family, friends and community. Tranquility and reflection are combined with learning, joy, spirited singing and prayer for a day that restores and renews.  Currently Erev Shabbat services are every Friday night at 7:00pm .