Adopt-A-Siddur (Shabbat): A dedication label will be placed in one of our Shabbat prayer books, to commemorate a simcha or in honor or memory of a loved one for just $54.
Adopt-A-Machzor (High Holy Days): A dedication label will be placed in one of our High Holy Day Prayer Book sets (so that’s really 2 dedications!), to commemorate a simcha or in honor or memory of a loved one for just $54.
Bricklets: For as little as $9 you can send a Bricklet Card instead of buying a greeting card for birthdays, condolences, etc. A Bricklet Card in your name will be sent to the person you wish stating that a donation has been made in his or her name to Beth Shalom to honor (or memorialize) the occasion. Bricklet senders are acknowledged in our Kibbitzer.
Tree of Life: The Tree of Life is on the back wall of our Sanctuary. An engraved leaf or stone can commemorate many simchas, b’nai mitzvah, wedding, birth, graduations, etc. Leaves are $180 and stones are $1800.
Tribute: This type of donation is usually an unrestricted gift made to our general fund in honor or in memory of a loved one, or to celebrate a simcha. It is typically used where the temple needs it most and is acknowledged in our Kibbitzer with the honorarium attached. There is no minimum or maximum to this type of gift.
Yahrzeit Plaque: To honor the death of a loved one, you may purchase a plaque that will be cared for in perpetuity for $350 for members ($700 for non-members). The name of the deceased along with their date of death is included on the plaque.